Sunscreen Myths: Debunked!
September 14, 2023 2023-11-07 13:52
Sunscreen Myths: Debunked!

Makeup is enough to protect my face!
Well it is certain that most makeup products are infused with some SPF ingredients today. It provides slight protection from the sun. Makeup is generally used for enhancing appearance, they do not specialize in protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. Always apply a layer of sunscreen onto your skin before applying your makeup.

One Application Is Enough
Wrong! One application is definitely not enough. In reality, sunscreen will break down overtime in the sunlight and lose its effectiveness over a short period of time. Hence, we would recommend you to reapply your sunscreen every 2 to 4 hours.

Higher SPF = More Protection​
No matter how high your SPF is, some UV rays will still get through. A sunscreen SPF can only tell how much UVB rays the sunscreen can filter out. For example, SPF 15 filters out 93% of the UVB rays, while SPF 30 filters out 97% and SPF 50 filters 98%.

I Don’t Need To Wear Sunscreen At Home​
Interestingly, you do need to wear it at home. Most glasses like house’s windows and cars may help block most UVB rays but not UVA rays. Blue lights emitting from digital screens such as your phones, computers, tablets and televisions can also affect your skin by increasing melanin and pigmentation production. It can also create free radicals which may lead your skin to break down in collagen and elastic tissue.